Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning & Course Credit

At ALG, we want your learning journey to be about gaining new skills, not repeating what you already know. Your previous studies or work experience could be recognised as prior learning or transferred as credits towards your study at ALG, helping you fast-track your qualification and potentially reduce study time and tuition fees. We offer 2 recognition pathways:

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)Credit Transfer (CT)
RPL is a form of assessment that assesses the competency/s of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the training package or VET accredited courses.This allows your previous studies to count towards a qualification, ensuring consistent credit outcomes based on matched content and learning outcomes between equivalent qualifications. If you have completed equivalent subjects at a recognised institution, you may be eligible for credit transfer.

It is important to note that receiving course credit impact your course duration and consequently, your student visa. If you are granted course credit from ALG, we will notify the Department of Home Affairs of your revised course length. For more information, please refer to the Student visas section on the Department of Home Affairs website.

For more information about the ALG Course Credit policy, click here.

Evidence Requirements

When applying for a Credit Transfer (CT), students must provide a certified copy of the studied qualification testamur and academic transcripts or a USI statement.

To receive Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), you must provide evidence that clearly demonstrates your skills and knowledge align with your course requirements. Ensure that all supporting documents are relevant, genuine and current.

Below is a list of the types of evidence that can be used to apply for RPL:

  • Academic transcripts, testamurs from a recognised higher education provider or registered training organisation (RTO), completed in the last 10 years. You may need to grant our Admissions team permission to view and verify your USI VET transcript.
  • Certificates from professional bodies or similar, completed within the past 10 years.
  • A resume or CV with contact details for up to two current referees who can confirm your professional experience.
  • Subject outlines showing learning outcomes, structure, topics, and assessment details.
  • Completed and graded assessments in your field of study.
  • Life experiences such as participation in community activities, hobbies, committee memberships.
  • References from employers, clients, community groups or people you have worked with.

How do I apply?

Determine your eligibility

Determine your eligibility

Check if you’ve completed any equivalent modules/units from previous learning. Ensure you have evidence of completion (for example, a statement of attainment). Remember, copies of original qualifications or documents must be certified. Alternatively, contact our Admissions team. An ALG member of staff will get back to you and guide you through the application procedure and requirements.
Submit your application for RPL or CT

Submit your application for RPL or CT

Carefully read and complete the relevant form:
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Candidate Application Form
Credit Transfer Form
In your application, include relevant evidence demonstrating your current knowledge and skills (for example, certificates, statements of attainment, transcripts). Applications must be submitted at least 10 days before the start date of your course.
Application review and outcome

Application review and outcome

Our team will review your application to ensure that all relevant information and supporting evidence are provided. If complete, it will be given to the relevant assessor to review.

You will be notified about your RPL outcome within 10 days after we receive your complete application. If successful, you will receive a current transcript with the granted recognition. If not, you can request for a review of the decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an application processing fee?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Yes. There is a non-refundable $500 application fee for RPL (regardless of the outcome), and a $250 assessment fee for each unit of competency being assessed for RPL.

Credit Transfer (CT)
There is no application fee for Credit Transfer.

What happens if I hold an international qualification?

If you hold qualifications from outside Australia, we will assess them to ensure they meet our entry requirements and determine your credit eligibility. Your documents must be certified. If they are not in English, please include certified translations.

How long will it take to assess my RPL application?

The application will be verified by a member of the ALG Admissions Team and a decision will be made within 10 business days of receiving the application.

Can I appeal for a review of RPL or CT results?

If the decision on your Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer application doesn’t meet your expectations, you can submit an appeal against the decision in accordance with ALG’s Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Contact Us

If you have questions about recognition of prior learning, credit transfer, or your individual situation, you can contact the ALG Admissions team. We’re here to discuss your prior learning experiences and how they can contribute towards your study at ALG.

Telephone: 1300 254 000